PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

tksheet 7.3.4 Tkinter table / sheet widget 2025-01-31 15:20:50
graphviz-anywidget 0.5.0 Interactive Graphviz visualization widget for Jupyter notebooks using anywidget. 2025-01-20 21:29:56
tKot 0.7.3 None 2025-01-10 13:00:58
django-filepond-form-widget 0.2.1 A Django form widget using FilePond with image preview support 2025-01-09 10:05:36
Flask-Exts 0.2.0 Flask extensions with admin, SQLAlchemy, babel, forms, fields, widgets, and so on. 2025-01-07 15:10:58
circuitpython-uplot 2.0.0 framework to display different plots in displayio. similar to widget 2025-01-05 11:43:52
django-tomselect 2025.1.2 Django autocomplete widgets and views using Tom Select 2025-01-05 05:23:59
django-wildewidgets 0.16.16 django-wildewidgets is a Django design library providing several tools for building full-featured, widget-based web applications with a standard, consistent design, based on Bootstrap. 2024-12-13 00:34:34
trame-annotations 0.4.2 Trame widgets for image/video annotations 2024-12-12 22:21:28
django-tinymce4-plus 1.9.1 A Django application that provides a fully functional TinyMCE 4 editor widget for models and forms. 2024-12-08 09:42:54
django-image-uploader-widget 1.0.1 Simple Image Uploader Widget for Django-Admin 2024-12-04 11:45:08
django-dynamic-raw-id 4.4 raw_id_fields widget replacement that handles display of an object's string value on change. 2024-11-23 14:48:26
sepal-ui 2.22.0 Wrapper for ipyvuetify widgets to unify the display of voila dashboards in SEPAL platform 2024-11-21 09:49:22
django-flat-json-widget 0.3.1 Django Flat JSON Key/Value Widget 2024-11-19 22:56:52
widget-code-input 4.0.14 A jupyter widget which allows users to implement small python functions dynamically and interactively. 2024-11-19 17:27:34
adafruit-circuitpython-displayio-layout 2.2.0 CircuitPython helper library for displayio layouts and widgets. 2024-11-15 18:18:57
CTkRatingStar 0.0.1 A customizable star rating widget for CustomTkinter applications. 2024-10-29 23:39:38
toga-web 0.4.8 A Web backend for the Toga widget toolkit. 2024-10-16 01:39:36
toga-winforms 0.4.8 A Windows backend for the Toga widget toolkit using the WinForms API. 2024-10-16 01:38:44
toga-textual 0.4.8 A Textual backend for the Toga widget toolkit. 2024-10-16 01:38:23
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